Fondazione Mariele Ventre


1st prize - Lorenzo Donati (both sections)

Lorenzo Donati (both sections) composer, conductor and violinist, studied in Arezzo and Florence, following advanced courses in Composition at the Scuola di Musica in Fiesole, and at the Accademia Chigiana of Siena. In a course organised by the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation and with support from the European Community he successfully gained his diploma after three years of professional training as a conductor. He gives many concerts conducting Insieme Vocale Vox Cordis, Arezzo, and id conductor and singer of Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble. He has achieved excellent results with these groups in national and international competitions. Particulary appreciated as vocal music composer, his works are executed and published at international level and have received prizes.

Donati has received prizes in Arezzo, Gorizia, Rome, Avellino. He collaborates with a number of international cultural institutions and is invited to hold seminars as an expert on vocal music and as juror in composition and choral music competitions.

2nd prize ex-aequo

Steffen Schreyer

Steffen Schreyer, after his diploma in church music and organ at the University College of Music in Munich (Germany), went to Stockholm (Sweden) for his post-gradual studies on choir conducting with Anders Eby. Together with his diploma he was honoured by the very seldom given “belöningsjeton” – the medal of the Musical Academy of Sweden for outstanding merits, which was awarded to a conductor for the first time ever. He has freelanced as a conductor, e.g. with several Radio Choirs, held international masterclasses and workshops.

Steffen Schreyer held a professor’s chair in choir conducting at the Catholic College of Church Music St. Gregorius in Aachen (Germany). Since 2001 he has also been the leader of the children’s choir “Kinderchor St. Gregorius Aachen”. In 2006 he founded a professional choir, “The European Vocal Soloists”.

Takuya Yokoyama

Takuya Yokoyama, born in Sapporo, Japan, holds a degree in Linguistics from Faculty of Letters, Keio University in Tokyo with his thesis on “Correlation between Sound and Meanings in Different Languages.” Studied piano under H. Nakayama has won prizes at many national competitions which include a concert opportunity in Europe. As a choral conductor, he has been studying Conducting under M. Takahashi. He has been singing as well as being an Assistant Conductor in Coro Kallos of M. Fumiaki Kuriyama that won the Grand Prix at the 7th European Grand Prix in Arezzo. Currently the Conductor of Female Choir Mokuseikai and Sumidagawa Choir, Assistant Conductor of Coro Kallos and 3 other choirs, Ensemble Trainer of 4 choirs, Rehearsal Conductor at Beethoven: Symphony No.9 Concert with 5000 Singers in Sumida.

1st prize ex-aequo - special section -
Maja Cilenšek

Maja Cilenšek (special section)  graduated at the Department of Musical Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. She takes part in Slovenian and foreign seminars for choir music, gives lectures herself and leads workshops regarding children choir conducting in seminars in Slovenia. As conductor’s assistant she has been collaborating with Academic choir of the University of Primorska and Mixed choir Obala Koper. In 2000 she founded The Children`s Choir of the Music School Koper, which she still conducts. During its seven years of activity the choir won a number of awards at national and international competitions. At present she teaches music theory and solfeggio at the Music School and at the Faculty of Education in Koper.

Fondazione Mariele Ventre - Largo Mariele Ventre, 3 - 40125 Bologna, Italia - tel.: 051 4299009 - cell.: 334 9137316 - e-mail: - Codice Fiscale: 91156460379 - P. IVA: 01925091207