Fondazione Mariele Ventre


The Foundation Mariele Ventre of Bologna announces the third edition of the International Competition for Choir Conductors “Mariele Ventre”.


1.--The competition is open to choir conductors of both genders who, on expiry of 05.07.2005, must not have reached his/her 40th year of age.

2.--To enter the competition, candidates should fill in the form provided. This must be returned by registered mail from Italy, or by an equivalent postal consignment from abroad, to FONDAZIONE MARIELE VENTRE, Largo Mariele Ventre n. 3 - 40125 Bologna (ITALY) by 05.07.2005, the date of expiry of the notice. Application forms arrived later than the deadline will be accepted according to the date as postmark.

The form must contain:

a.--personal details of the candidate;

b.--address, telephone number and any e-mail address;

c.--school and musical activity curriculum (choir conductor activity must be certified by the choir or music association/institute), compulsorily accompanied by a videocassette  or DVD  (not CDs) of a performance given by the candidate as choir conductor. Candidates may send additional material (CDs, press reviews, etc.);

d.--receipt of payment of  € 70 entry fee accredited to Post Office account no. 28097400 in the name of Fondazione Mariele Ventre - Largo Mariele Ventre 3, 40125 - Bologna (Italy), reason for  payment: CMV 2005, or to the Fondazione Mariele Ventre  bank account, no. 0740/4858, at CARISBO, Filiale Bologna Due Torri – Piazza di Porta Ravegnana 2/B, Bologna – IBAN IT27 I063 8502 5040 7400 0048 58W – BIC CRBOIT2B.

Competition entry implies payment of the entry fee and acceptance of the competition regulations, tests characteristics, repertoire and calendar.

3.--Admission to competition is at the sole discretion of the commission, which will examine the single applications and select the participants (maximum number of 12); the selected candidates will be informed not later than 01.08.2005 and will be accommodated free of charge in Bologna.

4.--The winners of the past editions cannot take part in the competition.

5.--All disputes will fall under the jurisdiction of the Bologna Court.


1.--The competition will take place in Bologna from the 5th through the 9th of October 2005  and it will consist of two stages: a preliminary stage and a final stage.

2.--Candidates will be admitted to the tests in alphabetical order. The first letter will be selected by draw.

3.--The preliminary stage (October 5, 6, 7) involves the performance of three music pieces drawn by the candidate, one for each of the three historical periods included in the repertoire.

4.--Each candidate can rehearse for 15 min. before each performance.

5.--The final stage  (October 8) includes the performance of three music pieces drawn by the candidate, one for each of the three historical periods included in the repertoire; this stage contemplates the participation of a maximum of 5 candidates, who can rehearse each music piece for 15 min.  before the performance.

6.--The test, both during the preliminary stage and final stage, consists of a performance on three music pieces drawn at least one hour before the beginning of the competition: each candidate shall hold three draws, one for each of the three periods (Renaissance - Baroque, Romantic, Modern-Contemporary).

For the Renaissance-Baroque period, each candidate will direct the "Ars Cantica Consort" Choir from Milan.

For the Romantic period, each candidate will direct the "Cracow Chamber Choir”.

For the Modern-Contemporary period, each candidate will direct the "Bristol Bach Choir" from Bristol.


1.--Three prizes entitled to Mariele Ventre will be awarded, on the basis of the final judgement of the Jury:

First Prize     € 5,200 + the silver cup of the Presidency of the Italian Republic

Second Prize € 2,600

Third Prize    € 1,600

2.--The candidates placed first, second and third will have to participate in the final concert, which will take place on the 9th of October in Bologna, under penalty of cancellation of the prize.


The Competition's official languages are Italian and English. French, German and Spanish can be used on condition that prior notice is given by candidates.

Final Dispositions

1.--The winners renounce any compensation or rights for any photographs, recordings or televising during the competition and the final concert.

2.--In the case of force majeure, the Foundation reserves the right to make any amendments to these regulations.

3.--The material sent by applicants will not be returned.

Fondazione Mariele Ventre - Largo Mariele Ventre, 3 - 40125 Bologna, Italia - tel.: 051 4299009 - cell.: 334 9137316 - e-mail: - Codice Fiscale: 91156460379 - P. IVA: 01925091207