Fondazione Mariele Ventre


Coro Euridice

The Euridice Choral Society was founded in 1880; conducted by Pier Paolo Scattolin, it is the oldest choral group in Bologna.

The ensemble performs for very important chamber music associations, international festivals, theatres and universities and has made several tours abroad.

The Euridice Choral Society boasts also many “first” performances in modern age of renaissance and nineteenth century music.

In the last ten years the ensemble has particularly devoted to twentieth century and contemporary music.

The Euridice Choir took part in the first edition of the International Competition for Choir Conductors “Mariele Ventre”.

Fondazione Mariele Ventre - Largo Mariele Ventre, 3 - 40125 Bologna, Italia - tel.: 051 4299009 - cell.: 334 9137316 - e-mail: - Codice Fiscale: 91156460379 - P. IVA: 01925091207